Post by Siku on Jan 8, 2013 17:01:53 GMT -5
If you so happened to stumble upon this because you saw the word Shinigami , or if you have that desire to make a Shinigami like me, here is the guide! I hope it helps you lots~
Name: Pretty self explanatory, just state what their birth name is. Or maybe a name they gave themself if they were nto given one?
Nickname(s): Aliases, titles, etc. Make it yours, own it~
Age: How old are they?
Age of Appearance: How old do they look? On average, for every decade [10 years] a Shinigami ages, they grow in looks to be 1 year older. However there are exceptions, especially if reason is given.
Gender: Yeah. Male, Female...Both?
All Zanpakuto have three stages. The first is the Sealed state. The first release is known as Shikai. And last, but nowhere near the least, is the final awakening of your Zanpakuto: The Bankai. All are weapons attuned to their wielder in whatever way imaginable.
All, if not most Sealed Zanpakuto resemble some sort of sword, namely Japanese. It must be some sort of sword at the least.
Every Zanpakuto has a name, after all you'll be needing to speak with them, so you HAVE to call them by something. In some cases the name reflects on the powers or theme of the Zanpakuto, though not always.
Sealed Appearance:
Descrive this as well as you can if you decide to write it out. Describe the color and shape of the tsuka, tsuba, the length and type of the blade, even the himon if you'd like. Also, you could make it easy on yourself, and find a nice sword image. Preferably with a sheath, since it's in it's Sealed state.
This is the first release of your Zanpakuto, the Shikai. It's new form reflects a weapon you would be much better and capable of wielding, for whatever reason or aspect. This is a weapon that best suits you and your needs. There are also techniques you learn that go with the Shikai, which are a large part of your arsenal as a Shinigami. There are up to 5 total abilities for each Shikai. Make them count~
Name: The name of the ability - Getsuga Tenshou!
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Healing, Supplementary, Passive?
Cost: 1A - 7A
Details: What does it do? How does it look? How fast does it move? Does it move in one straight direction? Is it all around you like Senbonzakura? In my opinion, all first techniques should be a Passive which reflects the main purpose of your Zanpakuto. If a Shinigami and their Zanpakuto spirit absolutely loathe to see blood spilled, then this technique would likely work against blood-shed. Or it would be 100% unrelated to combat. Try to be unique, but have fun regardless~
Can not start with at character creation, exempt specific exceptions. There are always special cases~
This is the final release, or stage of power for a Shinigami's Zanpakuto. When this is unlocked, a Shinigami is now respected on a whole new level, ever garnering respect from respected Taichou. Getting a Bankai is no mere task, and takes decades for most Shinigami. Those who get them on such short notice are often looked at with disgust, as for some getting such a form of power is only for those who have lived to earn it.
The Bankai, even though it only gets 4 techniques instead of 5 like Shikai, has much more power to it, and only Fuku-Taichou class Shinigami at worst even have them unlocked. These have no limit or cap of power exempt that of a "Z" level technique, which rivals any level 99 Kido. this is the Shinigami's powerhouse. Use it wisely.
Name: The name of the ability - Getsuga Tenshou!
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Healing, Supplementary, Passive?
Cost: 1A - Z
Details: What does it do? How does it look? How fast does it move? Does it move in one straight direction? Is it all around you like Senbonzakura? In my opinion, all first techniques should be a Passive which reflects the main purpose of your Zanpakuto. If a Shinigami and their Zanpakuto spirit absolutely loathe to see blood spilled, then this technique would likely work against blood-shed. Or it would be 100% unrelated to combat. A Bankai's passive may be MUCH more potent.
Kido + Reiatsu:
Below Average:
And that's all folks! Have fun creating your Shinigami. I look forward to meeting them with my Shinigami!His name is Siku
Character Information
Name: Pretty self explanatory, just state what their birth name is. Or maybe a name they gave themself if they were nto given one?
Nickname(s): Aliases, titles, etc. Make it yours, own it~
Age: How old are they?
Age of Appearance: How old do they look? On average, for every decade [10 years] a Shinigami ages, they grow in looks to be 1 year older. However there are exceptions, especially if reason is given.
Gender: Yeah. Male, Female...Both?
We here at BFT enjoy a well-written profile, as such appearance's being produced would be appreciated. However we understand not everyone wants to write, instead use a lovely image from the internet. If you simply put a picture, please fill out the below traits~
- Hair Color - Black [or whatever you are]
- Eye Color - Brown [or whatever you are]
- Height - 5"2' [or whatever you are]
- Weight - 200 pounds [or whatever you are]
- Ethnicity - Oriental [or whatever you are]
- Build - Athletic [or whatever you are]
The most important part of any application for any race of character. This is how they act and think in any and every situation, delivering to the other writer's if the person is well-educated, or poorly
This should be based off of things that happen in your history, for example: If you're Shinigami grows up as a poor Rukongai citizen, then they likely won't be some pompous noble. That being said, if you were a noble, you wouldn't likely be some rebel, unless you started off that way, or have some strong internal passion to resist the noble family houses.
Essentially this needs to make sense as to who you are, and should correlate with what your character has lived through. What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger. Have fun~
Alrighty. First and foremost, this section shall be purely optional. If you'd like to develop a history for your character through plots and threads, then go right ahead. But if you DO, do a history then it should be just about...5 or 6 paragraphs long. It should have your human life, life as a soul, Rukongai life, academy life, gaining Shikai, all the way up to where they are now! Remember, work is ALWAYS rewarded.
Shinigami Abilities
Yes, the many abilities a Shinigami holds in their arsenal. As hostile they may appear, some are much more humble and contrite in their dealings. As such, there is plenty of creativity to be shared, and I myself LOVE nifty technique idea's. This is where anything Kido or otherwise custom techniques reside. You can have a maximum of six abilities here including Kido, original/canon Zanjutsu techniques, or original/canon Hakuda techniques.
All Zanpakuto have three stages. The first is the Sealed state. The first release is known as Shikai. And last, but nowhere near the least, is the final awakening of your Zanpakuto: The Bankai. All are weapons attuned to their wielder in whatever way imaginable.
All, if not most Sealed Zanpakuto resemble some sort of sword, namely Japanese. It must be some sort of sword at the least.
Every Zanpakuto has a name, after all you'll be needing to speak with them, so you HAVE to call them by something. In some cases the name reflects on the powers or theme of the Zanpakuto, though not always.
Sealed Appearance:
Descrive this as well as you can if you decide to write it out. Describe the color and shape of the tsuka, tsuba, the length and type of the blade, even the himon if you'd like. Also, you could make it easy on yourself, and find a nice sword image. Preferably with a sheath, since it's in it's Sealed state.
This is the first release of your Zanpakuto, the Shikai. It's new form reflects a weapon you would be much better and capable of wielding, for whatever reason or aspect. This is a weapon that best suits you and your needs. There are also techniques you learn that go with the Shikai, which are a large part of your arsenal as a Shinigami. There are up to 5 total abilities for each Shikai. Make them count~
Name: The name of the ability - Getsuga Tenshou!
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Healing, Supplementary, Passive?
Cost: 1A - 7A
Details: What does it do? How does it look? How fast does it move? Does it move in one straight direction? Is it all around you like Senbonzakura? In my opinion, all first techniques should be a Passive which reflects the main purpose of your Zanpakuto. If a Shinigami and their Zanpakuto spirit absolutely loathe to see blood spilled, then this technique would likely work against blood-shed. Or it would be 100% unrelated to combat. Try to be unique, but have fun regardless~
Can not start with at character creation, exempt specific exceptions. There are always special cases~
The Bankai, even though it only gets 4 techniques instead of 5 like Shikai, has much more power to it, and only Fuku-Taichou class Shinigami at worst even have them unlocked. These have no limit or cap of power exempt that of a "Z" level technique, which rivals any level 99 Kido. this is the Shinigami's powerhouse. Use it wisely.
Name: The name of the ability - Getsuga Tenshou!
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Healing, Supplementary, Passive?
Cost: 1A - Z
Details: What does it do? How does it look? How fast does it move? Does it move in one straight direction? Is it all around you like Senbonzakura? In my opinion, all first techniques should be a Passive which reflects the main purpose of your Zanpakuto. If a Shinigami and their Zanpakuto spirit absolutely loathe to see blood spilled, then this technique would likely work against blood-shed. Or it would be 100% unrelated to combat. A Bankai's passive may be MUCH more potent.
The Masteries
This refers to how proficient your character is with their Shikai abilities. If it has none, then it will be significantly weaker than another unless it has some way of compensating for the lack of abilities. The more they are trained, or trained within history, then the higher the mastery. This mastery is the easiest to master.
The second release for a Zanpakuto, the pinnacle of Shinigami strength. It is said that Bankai can quintuple a persons power in the least. This mastery describes how well your character can control their Bankai, how strong the abilities are, and how long their Bankai can actually last.
Now this mastery refers to how proficient your character is with their Shunpo. This is a stepping equivalent that has been around for ages, and many have cultivated it's uses to a godly extent.
Now the name should pretty much explain this mastery. How well your Shinigami wields their sealed Zanpakuto. This also helps those wielding a sword-like weapon if they are in Shikai or Bankai.
Kido + Reiatsu:
Here is the mastery for all Shinigami who aspire to use Reiryoku or Reiatsu via means of Kido, or otherwise custom techniques. These are very useful in combat, and have endless ways to be applied in combat, or everyday life.
Pretty easily understood. How strong are they with just their fists, and legs? Are they a martial artist legend or someone who can barely throw a proper swing? Hand-to-Hand can be very useful, but it could also be on the unnecessary side depending on how you build your character.
The Mastery Levels
Poor pathetic fool. You aren't going to get anywhere with the wimpy skill here. You are a still learning at this point, and you basically suck with this skill. If you are in a battle, avoid using whatever skill is at beginner at all costs. And train this up you sorry excuse for a wimp.
Below Average:
Alright, now we are getting somewhere! But...not very far. You're much better than a beginner, don't get me wrong, but you're hardly talented. You can handle yourself when it comes to this skill, but you can use MUCH adjustment. Keep on trying there, bud, you're almost ok.
Ah, look at you. You finally got the hang of a skill. You can stand on equal grounds with people now and dominate those who have the same skill but lower. You're at the golden level, not too strong but not too weak. Be proud of this milestone! But come now, you can keep improving!
Ah, do you smell that? That is the sweet smell of success. Congratulations, you made it farther than most could ever dream of making it. You jumped over many obstacles, and killed a few people. Now you are like a black belt in karate, people fear you. You could easily demolish someone with a lower mastery, and without the blink of an eye. But...there are still things for you to learn, things for you to practice.
Here we are, the moment of total and complete triumph. You are a 10th degree black belt, and you can even begin teaching others your amazing ways. You worked your ass off, and you were rewarded. No one can step up to you with this rank, you show them what's what. You can even begin creating your own stepping techniques here, hooray!
And that's all folks! Have fun creating your Shinigami. I look forward to meeting them with my Shinigami!